Our Green Pledge
From the initial setup of our company we want to reduce our footprint so have partnered with nonprofit organisations dedicated to global reforestation such as Ecologi.
Throughout 2024 we will be working with Ecologi, using money from our sales to purchase trees that will be planted around the world.
We are working closely with our manufactures to switch to a plant based, environmentally friendly waterproofing solution that doesn't contain any harmful compounds and plan to use recycled materials where possible. We are working towards producing all of our coats from 100% recycled fabrics that would otherwise be destined for landfill.
Together we can make a difference.

Handy Reusable Bags
Every product we produce comes in it's own handy little carry bag.
This isn't just to be practical, there is a much deeper reasoning behind this. We want to reduce the use of single use plastics here at Drywalks.
As consumers, most things we buy online come in plastic packaging that is then put inside the postal bag and sent to us. Unfortunately we cannot eradicate the need for postage bags but we can eradicate the need for any additional packaging. Cue the Drywalks bag!
Our products come in reusable bags so they are protected on their journey to you but so you can rest assured when purchasing a coat from us you have taken a little step in reducing unnecessary waste.

Drywalks & Ecologi
We are working with Ecologi to plant trees around the world to help counteract the impact of our carbon footprint.“Working with Ecologi is a great fit for Drywalks, it’s fantastic to have another way to give back and help the environment.”The objectives of this new partnership include:
• Supporting global reforestation efforts
• Empowering consumers with sustainable actions
• Raising awareness about the importance of ecosystem restoration
Planting trees is one of the best ways to combat the damaging effects of climate change. Trees help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide habitat to over 80 percent of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity. Trees also provide tremendous social impacts by providing jobs to over 1.6 billion people, empowering women in underdeveloped nations, and supporting communities devastated by environmental damage.
The partnership is designed to be simple for customers to get involved in global reforestation. Trees are planted by local partner organisations and community volunteers in areas where there has been deforestation.
We are proud to be working with Ecologi,
see below for how many trees we have planted so far!